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Jason Marquis 21 RHP

Jason Marquis comes to the Cubs from the festering baseball pit known as Saint Louis. Jason is a crafty pitcher who can add a little bit of peppa when he needs to. Known for having a serious Scrabble affliction, Jason can be seen mumbling all the 2 letter words in the dictionary while warming up for a start.

Fun Fact:

  • In an exclusive interview with TFB, Jason explained that Tony LaRussa normally prefers Boggle but on occasion would accept Jason's ongoing Scrabble challenge. Jason is 28-0-1 lifetime vs LaRussa in Scrabble.



This page contains an article posted on January 21, 2007 8:35 PM.

The previous article was Felix Pie 20 OF.

The next article is Derrek Lee 25 1B.

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