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Ronny Cedeno 5 Bench

No one is really sure how/why Ronny Cedeno beat out fan favorite Neifi Perez for the SS position in 2006. We know for a fact that Ronny strikes out a bunch, runs rarely, throws like a ballerina, and doesn't get walks. The only thing he has going for him is he did not have as much hype as Corey "going elsewhere to bat at the bottom of the order like I should " Patterson.

ronny_cedeno.jpg ballerina.jpg


Listed below are links to weblogs that reference Ronny Cedeno 5 Bench:

» Cesar Izturis 3 SS from Tortured Fan Base
Cesar is our only hope to keep Ronny "Rubber Arm" Cedeno on the bench this year now that Neifi has left for green pastures. Guess who has a Gold Glove on his shelf at home? Guess who better be fully... [Read More]

» Mizarro April gives way to May from Tortured Fan Base
A 2007 Cubs April in Haiku: Batter Interference. Home losses and rising stars with second over slid. argh Our star crossed April shows promise in the name of Felix, Theriot, Lilly, and Hill yet reminds us of our frailty with... [Read More]


This page contains an article posted on January 5, 2007 8:43 PM.

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