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Ted Lilly 30 LHP

Teddy has already lived up to his contract by providing Cubs fans everywhere with that precious commodity known as 'Hope'. He is left handed, throws a wicked breaking ball and has not really shown enough personality to completely finish this bio yet. Nevertheless TFB has dug deep into the Ted Lilly archives to bring you these important facts:

  • Ted is actually an acronym for Terrifically Extraneous Dorsal- for some reason TEDs parents were sort of into obscure words, human orgins, and secret meanings.
  • Ted once played baseball in Canada
  • Ted is by far the teams best thumb wrestler (no tag teams- if there are tag teams then Bobby Howry has a lock)


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» Mizarro April gives way to May from Tortured Fan Base
A 2007 Cubs April in Haiku: Batter Interference. Home losses and rising stars with second over slid. argh Our star crossed April shows promise in the name of Felix, Theriot, Lilly, and Hill yet reminds us of our frailty with... [Read More]


This page contains an article posted on January 30, 2007 8:34 PM.

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The next article is Kerry Wood 34 RHP.

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