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Is Neifi Perez the second coming of Jesus?
(an argument in bullet points)
Some of the evidence:
- Neifi wears number 13, which means Neifi got mad
love for the 13th apostle because he has the capacity
to forgive, just like Jesus
- 40 is a biblical number and Neifi will be 40 years
old in 2013, eerie isn't it?
- Neifi likes to bunt and bunting is a metaphor for
christian life because sometimes tapping the ball softly
can be more effective than smacking the hell out of it,
just like Jesus teaches us that loving your enemy is more
effective than beating the heck out of him/her with a rock
- Neifi is philosophically brilliant (just like Jesus) and knows
that life is short, but he also knows that patience is a virtue.
He solves this conumdrum by WAITING (patiently) for the pitcher
to throw the ball, and then swinging at almost every pitch thrown
to him (because he knows that nothing in life is gauranteed, certainly
not another pitch.) (Just like Jesus)
- Neifi sometimes gets hit by a pitch while trying to bunt but he always
steps back into the batters box for his next at bat like it never happened,
just like how Jesus was crucified to death and just showed up a few days
later like it was no big deal
- I was at a Cubs game once and while Neifi was taking a few swings
in the on deck circle I yelled "Jesus?" in Neifi's direction and he shifted
his head noticeably in my direction before catching himself and continuing
his pre at-bat preparations
I rest my case
Neifi Q+A
Dinner Party Neifi
Is Neifi Actually the 2nd coming of Jesus?
An Interview With Neifi
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to say: comments@Neifi-Net.com
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