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5 Reasons to Wait Till Next Year

Well ladies and gents - We will be assigning blame to the appropriate scape goats shortly, but for now lets take our mind off the latest swift decomposition of our Cubbies. Here are the Top 5 things to look forward to Next Year:

5) Seasoned Lou
I am not sure how much tastier he could get. Chances are he will have forgotten everyones names by Spring Training but the point is he will have a solid base and will probably figure most of them out by May.

4) ARod (maybe?)
Thank you baseball gods and ESPN for reminding Steinbrenner that he is an impulsive and totally insane man just like when he was young. ARod = Reggie Jackson and hopefully the only man ARod ever loved (Pinella) can convince the future all time HR champ to come to Chicago. ARod might not have the best reputation as a clutch performer but he would absolutely feast on the sub par NL central pitching. And if he doesn't come through in the playoffs, judging from this years Cubs playoff bats, he'll have plenty of company.

3) Mark Cuban (maybe?)
He said he was going to make a run at the Cubs, he has deep enough pockets to outbid most anyone else, he likes sitting in the Bleachers, and he has turned other sports teams into championship contenders. The tantalizing thought of Zambrano, Pinella and Cuban bringing their unique forms of energetic psychosis to the same ball club brings a silly grin to my face and probably keeps Bud Selig up at night. Bud will probably go out of his way to squash it, but when he does he will have the Tortured Fan Base to deal with.

2) Triple digits! Look for Willard Scott to congratulate the Cubs World Series drought on making it to the century mark. What an achievement.

1) Blue skies, green ivy, girls roaming the stands in tank tops, Old Style in wax cups and another season of hope. Its not easy being a Cubs fan, but it sure can be fun



This page contains an article posted on October 10, 2007 10:49 AM.

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The next article is Fukudome rhymes with "Andre".

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