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Jacque Jones 11 OF

Lets make this clear. TFB likes Jacque Jones. It should not matter that a few drunk idiots in the Bleachers who couldn't even spell Jacque's name got upset with the guy. It was a tough year all around for everyone and somehow it was Jacque's fault that he couldn't throw the ball. Well, throwing is not nearly as important to an outfielder as catching and hitting and Jacque does those things just fine thanks. I mean something like once a week we will expect Jacque to dent the outfield grass with one of his tosses and if this year (after his arm replacement surgery) it makes it to the cutoff man without skipping then we will rejoice.


Listed below are links to weblogs that reference Jacque Jones 11 OF:

» Cornelius Floyd 15 OF from Tortured Fan Base
Cliff Floyd is an outfielder who hits for low average, strikes out a lot, is getting on in years and probably thinks it’s going to be nice to come home to Chicago to play ball. Somebody should get LaTroy Hawkins... [Read More]

» Ryan Theriot 2 SS from Tortured Fan Base
Theriot has played his way onto our 2007 Frenchie Cubs Roster along with Pie, Marquis, Fontenot, and Jacque. Ryan "You can't stop" The Riot is some sort of a hitting and running machine given to us by the oh-so fickle... [Read More]


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