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Ryan Theriot 2 SS

Theriot has played his way onto our 2007 Frenchie Cubs Roster along with Pie, Marquis, Fontenot, and Jacque. Ryan "You can't stop" The Riot is some sort of a hitting and running machine given to us by the oh-so fickle Baseball Gods (more on the Fickle Gods and how we can appease them in another article). Ryan is known for chugging a 2-Liter of Orange Fanta infused with 4 cans of Red Bull before each game. Legend speaks of this elixer empowering Ryan with super slow-mo bullet time vision at the plate and a wicked neon orange stream for the post game shower drain.
ryan_theriot.jpg Theriot_Bullets.jpg


Listed below are links to weblogs that reference Ryan Theriot 2 SS:

» Mizarro April gives way to May from Tortured Fan Base
A 2007 Cubs April in Haiku: Batter Interference. Home losses and rising stars with second over slid. argh Our star crossed April shows promise in the name of Felix, Theriot, Lilly, and Hill yet reminds us of our frailty with... [Read More]

» Mike Fontenot 5' 2" Infielder from Tortured Fan Base
The other half of the Cajun duo, Fontenot and Theriot share platters of shrimp before games and a boat house on the Calumet river. They’re buds! Other notable facts: Would love to live in a world where he could be... [Read More]

» Zambrano's No Hitter: An Eyewitness Account from Tortured Fan Base
The Prelude On Saturday night at approximately 9:21pm I received the news from frantic Cubs Fan #43 that hurricane Ike had relocated the Cubs vs Houston game to Miller Park. "Cubs are playing tomorrow night and Monday in Milwaukee. Road... [Read More]


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