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Carlos Marmol 49 RHP

The man throws some wicked pitches and has been something of a savior out of the bullpen but is supposedly causing Zambrano some real confusion.

Wrigley Field Clubhouse-
(Carlos Z walks up to Carlos M who is standing next to his locker picking lint off his game jersey)

Z: I’m Carlos! (defiant)
Z: You Carlos? (soft spoken, questioning-ly)
M: (Silence mixed with slightly audible trepidation)
Z: (Silent, looking at Marmol with the curious intent of a dangerous mammal considering his reflection in a mirror)
Z: I’m Carlos! (screaming, hands at his side, face in a mad red rage)
Z: Carlos skinny (soft spoken again)
Z: Carlos must eat (lurks off towards the food tray)
M: (Still silent, storm has pasted, visibly befuddled)
Piniella (watching from a folding chair a dozen feet away): He Carlos! (walks after Z towards the food tray)


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» Chicago Cubs Playoff Baseball! from Tortured Fan Base
It’s been a great regular season. We started the season with eight weeks of abysmal to mediocre baseball (good for lowering expectations) with a dugout dust up timed to be the perfect prelude to a rest of the season run... [Read More]


This page contains an article posted on August 24, 2007 12:20 AM.

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