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Lou Piniella 41 Manager

Cubs Manager/Savior.
Hendry follows Kenny Williams lead and hires the craziest coach available. Apparently Piniella has some Hispanic blood line so the Ozzie-Lou parallel is deeper than you might have thought. So I guess this means we will win the series in 2008 but, really, I just don’t want to wait that long. I hope they can bump it up to this October. It's going to be especially good for Zambrano to have a Crazy mentor, he can learn some new techniques for getting kicked out of games and they can share mood stabilizers.


Bet you didn’t know:

  • Lou hates wallpaper, he gets livid if he so much as smells glue.
  • Lou hates sandpaper, he gets livid if he so much as goes to the beach a book
  • Lou hates small dogs, he will kick the crap out of your little wussy dog. You’re with your toy dog, you see Lou walking your way, you cross the street….. or your dog gets kicked.
  • Lou really likes opera, something about those big ladies shouting really calms him down



Listed below are links to weblogs that reference Lou Piniella 41 Manager:

» Henry Blanco C 58 from Tortured Fan Base
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» Carlos Marmol 49 RHP from Tortured Fan Base
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» Mike Fontenot 5' 2" Infielder from Tortured Fan Base
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» Mike Fontenot 5' 2" 2B from Tortured Fan Base
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» Fukudome rhymes with "Andre" from Tortured Fan Base
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This page contains an article posted on February 10, 2007 8:56 PM.

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The next article is Sean Marshall 45 LHP .

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